The effects of added body mass on foot mechanics and thermoregulation
Advisor Information
Kota Takahashi
UNO Criss Library, Room 231
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Start Date
2-3-2018 9:15 AM
End Date
2-3-2018 9:30 AM
The foot can behave in a way that dissipates energy (i.e., performs net negative work) during walking, but the purpose of this energy dissipation is not well understood. It may be likely that the foot's net negative work is driving an increase in foot temperature. We attempted to manipulate the amount of work that the foot produces by adding weight to healthy, young individuals to identify the relationship between the foot's mechanical behavior and its temperature regulation. We are in the process of collecting and processing data, but preliminary results indicate that greater amounts of added weight can elicit greater increases in foot temperature, however the temperature increase is not related to an increase in magnitude of negative work produced at the foot.
The effects of added body mass on foot mechanics and thermoregulation
UNO Criss Library, Room 231
The foot can behave in a way that dissipates energy (i.e., performs net negative work) during walking, but the purpose of this energy dissipation is not well understood. It may be likely that the foot's net negative work is driving an increase in foot temperature. We attempted to manipulate the amount of work that the foot produces by adding weight to healthy, young individuals to identify the relationship between the foot's mechanical behavior and its temperature regulation. We are in the process of collecting and processing data, but preliminary results indicate that greater amounts of added weight can elicit greater increases in foot temperature, however the temperature increase is not related to an increase in magnitude of negative work produced at the foot.