Advisor Information
Roni Reiter-Palmon
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Start Date
1-3-2019 2:15 PM
End Date
1-3-2019 3:15 PM
This research draws on role congruity theory to examine whether the well-studied relationship between leader support and subordinate creativity differs when the leader is a man or a woman. Utilizing Amazon Mechanical Turk participants, the research employs experimental vignette methodology to examine (1) whether high (vs. low) leader support results in better subordinate creative problem-solving, (2) whether subordinate creative problem-solving is better under male (vs. female) leaders, and (3) whether the positive effect of support on subordinate creativity is greater for male than female leaders.
The effects of leader support and leader gender on subordinate creative problem-solving performance
This research draws on role congruity theory to examine whether the well-studied relationship between leader support and subordinate creativity differs when the leader is a man or a woman. Utilizing Amazon Mechanical Turk participants, the research employs experimental vignette methodology to examine (1) whether high (vs. low) leader support results in better subordinate creative problem-solving, (2) whether subordinate creative problem-solving is better under male (vs. female) leaders, and (3) whether the positive effect of support on subordinate creativity is greater for male than female leaders.