Advisor Information
Jorge Zuniga
Presentation Type
Start Date
1-3-2019 9:00 AM
End Date
1-3-2019 10:15 AM
Item classification and tagging in embedded systems has become ubiquitous in our society due to radio frequency identification (RFID) and the cost has dropped significantly for hardware that can interact with these devices. Due to this, possibilities in the realm of prosthetic control systems opens up for dynamic grip selection without user intervention. This study focuses on the development of a device capable of this functionality that is compatible with the prosthetics designed by Dr. Zuniga and his research team.
The printed circuit board (PCB) was designed using the EAGLE EDA package and incorporates a lithium polymer battery with a charging circuit, a dedicated powers supply, motor drivers, microcontroller, and a Melexis 125kHz RFID transceiver. This is shown in figures one and two.
The obtained power consumption results were analyzed for six different lithium polymer capacities and for a varying number of grip events in a twelve hour period. The battery life of the device is then calculated using a standard battery life equation.
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A Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) Prosthetic Control System
Item classification and tagging in embedded systems has become ubiquitous in our society due to radio frequency identification (RFID) and the cost has dropped significantly for hardware that can interact with these devices. Due to this, possibilities in the realm of prosthetic control systems opens up for dynamic grip selection without user intervention. This study focuses on the development of a device capable of this functionality that is compatible with the prosthetics designed by Dr. Zuniga and his research team.
The printed circuit board (PCB) was designed using the EAGLE EDA package and incorporates a lithium polymer battery with a charging circuit, a dedicated powers supply, motor drivers, microcontroller, and a Melexis 125kHz RFID transceiver. This is shown in figures one and two.
The obtained power consumption results were analyzed for six different lithium polymer capacities and for a varying number of grip events in a twelve hour period. The battery life of the device is then calculated using a standard battery life equation.