Advisor Information

Sara Myers


Criss Library

Presentation Type


Start Date

1-3-2019 10:45 AM

End Date

1-3-2019 12:00 PM


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a cardiovascular disease caused by blockages in the arteries that reduce blood flow to the peripheral limbs. Claudication, a prominent symptom of PAD is a condition in which the lack of blood flow causes an inability to meet the metabolic demands of the muscle tissue, causes severe cramping pain. Previous studies have shown muscle oxygenation starts significantly lower and declines faster in patients with PAD compared to healthy controls. An ankle foot orthosis (AFO) can provide walking assistance by absorbing and returning the mechanical force during walking. We hypothesized oxygenation levels would be higher in patients with PAD walking with the AFO.

Our research included seven subjects with PAD, patients performed a standardized graded treadmill test until claudication pain made them stop for both the AFO and non-ankle foot orthosis condition (NAF). Muscle oxygenation values were recorded before, during and directly following the trials for both conditions.

PAD patients using the AFO significantly improved muscle oxygenation in the calf muscles. Our study only included seven patients, larger trials will be needed to increase the statistical strength.

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Mar 1st, 10:45 AM Mar 1st, 12:00 PM


Criss Library

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a cardiovascular disease caused by blockages in the arteries that reduce blood flow to the peripheral limbs. Claudication, a prominent symptom of PAD is a condition in which the lack of blood flow causes an inability to meet the metabolic demands of the muscle tissue, causes severe cramping pain. Previous studies have shown muscle oxygenation starts significantly lower and declines faster in patients with PAD compared to healthy controls. An ankle foot orthosis (AFO) can provide walking assistance by absorbing and returning the mechanical force during walking. We hypothesized oxygenation levels would be higher in patients with PAD walking with the AFO.

Our research included seven subjects with PAD, patients performed a standardized graded treadmill test until claudication pain made them stop for both the AFO and non-ankle foot orthosis condition (NAF). Muscle oxygenation values were recorded before, during and directly following the trials for both conditions.

PAD patients using the AFO significantly improved muscle oxygenation in the calf muscles. Our study only included seven patients, larger trials will be needed to increase the statistical strength.