DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Creating an Omaha Fringe Festival

Presenter Information

Tamar NeumannFollow

Advisor Information

Cindy Melby Phaneuf


MBSC 224

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Start Date

6-3-2020 12:45 PM

End Date

6-3-2020 2:00 PM


Tamar Neumann

UNO Theatre Graduate Program

Omaha Fringe Festival

Creating an Omaha Fringe Festival

For my research project, I started a small theatre Fringe festival that consisted of ten different performances (plays) over the course of three days. Each performance group got three performances. The artists self-produced their works and the festival provided the venue, technical staff, and marketing. I recruited volunteers to help staff the box office and usher and I hired staff to run the technical side of the theatre. The festival also gave the artists 75% of the total box office. My research focused on answering the following question: “Can the Omaha theatre and arts community support a Fringe Festival every summer?” I used the amount of applications, the amount of audience attendance, the amount of performers, the amount of money I raised, and the types of performances to determine the success of the festival and to answer the question. My ultimate purpose with this project was to determine if this type of theatre festival can be supported yearly. After the festival was over I determined, based on the above factors, that Omaha is primed and ready for an annual festival of this nature.

Additional Information (Optional)

I have class that day from 9:00 am to 11:45 am. I only need a computer and projector so I can show my PowerPoint.

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Mar 6th, 12:45 PM Mar 6th, 2:00 PM

Creating an Omaha Fringe Festival

MBSC 224

Tamar Neumann

UNO Theatre Graduate Program

Omaha Fringe Festival

Creating an Omaha Fringe Festival

For my research project, I started a small theatre Fringe festival that consisted of ten different performances (plays) over the course of three days. Each performance group got three performances. The artists self-produced their works and the festival provided the venue, technical staff, and marketing. I recruited volunteers to help staff the box office and usher and I hired staff to run the technical side of the theatre. The festival also gave the artists 75% of the total box office. My research focused on answering the following question: “Can the Omaha theatre and arts community support a Fringe Festival every summer?” I used the amount of applications, the amount of audience attendance, the amount of performers, the amount of money I raised, and the types of performances to determine the success of the festival and to answer the question. My ultimate purpose with this project was to determine if this type of theatre festival can be supported yearly. After the festival was over I determined, based on the above factors, that Omaha is primed and ready for an annual festival of this nature.