DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Work Smarter and Cooler: Proposed UX Design Criteria for SaaS with an Emphasis on Demographic Specificity

Work Smarter and Cooler: Proposed UX Design Criteria for SaaS with an Emphasis on Demographic Specificity

Advisor Information

Sara Myers


MBSC 201

Presentation Type


Start Date

6-3-2020 2:00 PM

End Date

6-3-2020 3:15 PM


Coolness is a concept of a product being “cool” or desirable in the user experience. There is an inner cool (usability, desirability, rebelliousness) and an outer cool (attractiveness, aesthetics).Research focused on “operationalized coolness“ and other user experience factors for perceptions on usability, rebelliousness and desirability.

A software project was worked on for the software section using Django, Python, HTML and mathematics. Vector graphics and animations were made for the software.

Surveys focusing on decision makers, marketers and coders or programmers in the Midwest were used to collect information on “coolness” for devices and software screenshots,which were reviewed and analyzed. This was compared against the results of the original research done by Anders Bruun, Dimitrios Raptis, Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael B. Skov.

Overall, several trends were noticed,including objection to questions the areas of rebelliousness and desirability as a criteria to measure and respond to a device or software image.

Results indicate that several questions on the original work should be streamlined and modified and certain questions removed to adapt them to decision makers or programmers in the Midwest. These however are not conclusive as the original surveys were not able to be duplicated in the same manner in which they were given. This included not being able to obtain information from the original authors about how they conducted the survey and issues in the length of the survey and a change in how Google forms handled displays and JavaScript issues in the form that was used. Further investigation is desired and warranted.

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Mar 6th, 2:00 PM Mar 6th, 3:15 PM

Work Smarter and Cooler: Proposed UX Design Criteria for SaaS with an Emphasis on Demographic Specificity

MBSC 201

Coolness is a concept of a product being “cool” or desirable in the user experience. There is an inner cool (usability, desirability, rebelliousness) and an outer cool (attractiveness, aesthetics).Research focused on “operationalized coolness“ and other user experience factors for perceptions on usability, rebelliousness and desirability.

A software project was worked on for the software section using Django, Python, HTML and mathematics. Vector graphics and animations were made for the software.

Surveys focusing on decision makers, marketers and coders or programmers in the Midwest were used to collect information on “coolness” for devices and software screenshots,which were reviewed and analyzed. This was compared against the results of the original research done by Anders Bruun, Dimitrios Raptis, Jesper Kjeldskov & Mikael B. Skov.

Overall, several trends were noticed,including objection to questions the areas of rebelliousness and desirability as a criteria to measure and respond to a device or software image.

Results indicate that several questions on the original work should be streamlined and modified and certain questions removed to adapt them to decision makers or programmers in the Midwest. These however are not conclusive as the original surveys were not able to be duplicated in the same manner in which they were given. This included not being able to obtain information from the original authors about how they conducted the survey and issues in the length of the survey and a change in how Google forms handled displays and JavaScript issues in the form that was used. Further investigation is desired and warranted.