DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: The Use of DLC for Markerless Tracking on the American Cockroach

The Use of DLC for Markerless Tracking on the American Cockroach

Advisor Information

Nathaniel Hunt


MBSC 201

Presentation Type


Start Date

6-3-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

6-3-2020 10:15 AM


Tracking data can be a lengthy process and tracking with the usage of markers can take an extensive amount of time. Without the usage of makers, tracking objects may take an even longer time to process the data. Processing a single trial, depending on the experiment, may take up to hours or even days to complete. This is where Deeplabcut (DLC) can come in handy. DLC is a toolbox for markerless pose estimation of animals performing various tasks. With this efficient toolbox, it is possible to track the heading variations on the American cockroach while they rapidly traverse along a rod. With the use of DLC, we are able to track the tips of their heads and abdomen to determine the effect of heading variations on rotations of the center of mass about the long axis of a rod. The usage of DLC during tracking can significantly decrease the amount of time spent digitizing data. The accuracy of DLC depends on the conditions of each trial and how the videos of these trials are taken. As for the usage of DLC with the American cockroaches running across a 19.1 mm diameter rod, it gave decent results and saved a good amount of time.

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Mar 6th, 9:00 AM Mar 6th, 10:15 AM

The Use of DLC for Markerless Tracking on the American Cockroach

MBSC 201

Tracking data can be a lengthy process and tracking with the usage of markers can take an extensive amount of time. Without the usage of makers, tracking objects may take an even longer time to process the data. Processing a single trial, depending on the experiment, may take up to hours or even days to complete. This is where Deeplabcut (DLC) can come in handy. DLC is a toolbox for markerless pose estimation of animals performing various tasks. With this efficient toolbox, it is possible to track the heading variations on the American cockroach while they rapidly traverse along a rod. With the use of DLC, we are able to track the tips of their heads and abdomen to determine the effect of heading variations on rotations of the center of mass about the long axis of a rod. The usage of DLC during tracking can significantly decrease the amount of time spent digitizing data. The accuracy of DLC depends on the conditions of each trial and how the videos of these trials are taken. As for the usage of DLC with the American cockroaches running across a 19.1 mm diameter rod, it gave decent results and saved a good amount of time.