DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Can collaborative technology benefit collaboration performance? The roles of organizational arrangement and task-technology-fit

Can collaborative technology benefit collaboration performance? The roles of organizational arrangement and task-technology-fit

Presenter Information

Xian GaoFollow

Advisor Information

Yu-Che Chen


MBSC 201

Presentation Type


Start Date

6-3-2020 2:00 PM

End Date

6-3-2020 3:15 PM


The prevalent collaboration practices call for the use of technology, particularly collaborative technology, to facilitate communication and improve performance. However, the interplay between technology use and collaboration process and performance is understudied. This project thus focuses on the relationship between collaborative technology use, interaction, and performance, as well as the role of environmental factors, in intra-organizational collaboration. It asks the question How and under what conditions collaborative technology affects collaboration interaction and performance? A pilot survey was conducted with US local government employees via Amazon Mechanical Turk in Summer 2019. The results demonstrated a mediating effect of the collaboration process on the relationship between technology use and performance. Moving forward to the final study, I anticipate seeing a moderating role of environmental factors in the mediation model. This study has implications for local governments that are using or planning to use collaborative technology internally. The identified relationships will help them self-assess the organizational environment and strategically adjust efforts to cultivate more interactive collaboration and enhanced performance, with the help of collaborative technology.

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Mar 6th, 2:00 PM Mar 6th, 3:15 PM

Can collaborative technology benefit collaboration performance? The roles of organizational arrangement and task-technology-fit

MBSC 201

The prevalent collaboration practices call for the use of technology, particularly collaborative technology, to facilitate communication and improve performance. However, the interplay between technology use and collaboration process and performance is understudied. This project thus focuses on the relationship between collaborative technology use, interaction, and performance, as well as the role of environmental factors, in intra-organizational collaboration. It asks the question How and under what conditions collaborative technology affects collaboration interaction and performance? A pilot survey was conducted with US local government employees via Amazon Mechanical Turk in Summer 2019. The results demonstrated a mediating effect of the collaboration process on the relationship between technology use and performance. Moving forward to the final study, I anticipate seeing a moderating role of environmental factors in the mediation model. This study has implications for local governments that are using or planning to use collaborative technology internally. The identified relationships will help them self-assess the organizational environment and strategically adjust efforts to cultivate more interactive collaboration and enhanced performance, with the help of collaborative technology.