DigitalCommons@UNO - UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: Functional genomics of mind meld in Drosophila Melanogaster

Functional genomics of mind meld in Drosophila Melanogaster

Presenter Information

Pranav OjhaFollow

Advisor Information

Bruce Chase, PhD


MBSC 201

Presentation Type


Start Date

6-3-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

6-3-2020 12:00 PM


Interactions between the vertebrate ADAM22, ADAM23, ADAM 11 and LGI proteins are required for a set of neuronal processes including axonal sorting and strengthening synaptic connections. In Drosophila, the mind-meld (mmd) gene produces a set of alternatively spliced transcripts that encode proteins structurally similar to these ADAM proteins. A panel of antibodies was used to colocalize MMD proteins relative to other markers in the developing embryo to better understand its function in Drosophila. Based on these results, we hypothesize that mmd functions in the establishment of boundary structures in the developing embryo. Functional genetic experiments were then undertaken to understand the role of mmd in these specific regions in Drosophila. Using a powerful genetic approach- the GAL-4/UAS technique, the amount of mmd in Drosophila were knocked down using several promoters. The knockdown driven by stronger actin promoter led to greater lethality and the knockdown driven by ubiquitin promoter led to a statistically significant death rate in fruit flies. To further understand the role of mmd in lethality, CRISPR based knockout experiments are being undertaken. These experiments to aim to knockout specific regions in the mmd gene to study the role of individual domains in leading to the lethal phenotype.

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Mar 6th, 10:45 AM Mar 6th, 12:00 PM

Functional genomics of mind meld in Drosophila Melanogaster

MBSC 201

Interactions between the vertebrate ADAM22, ADAM23, ADAM 11 and LGI proteins are required for a set of neuronal processes including axonal sorting and strengthening synaptic connections. In Drosophila, the mind-meld (mmd) gene produces a set of alternatively spliced transcripts that encode proteins structurally similar to these ADAM proteins. A panel of antibodies was used to colocalize MMD proteins relative to other markers in the developing embryo to better understand its function in Drosophila. Based on these results, we hypothesize that mmd functions in the establishment of boundary structures in the developing embryo. Functional genetic experiments were then undertaken to understand the role of mmd in these specific regions in Drosophila. Using a powerful genetic approach- the GAL-4/UAS technique, the amount of mmd in Drosophila were knocked down using several promoters. The knockdown driven by stronger actin promoter led to greater lethality and the knockdown driven by ubiquitin promoter led to a statistically significant death rate in fruit flies. To further understand the role of mmd in lethality, CRISPR based knockout experiments are being undertaken. These experiments to aim to knockout specific regions in the mmd gene to study the role of individual domains in leading to the lethal phenotype.