Native Lives Matter Too: Reshaping the Master Narrative Through Education

Presenter Information

Sarah BrumfieldFollow

Author ORCID Identifier


Advisor Information

Beth Ritter


MBSC Ballroom - Poster #908 - G

Presentation Type


Start Date

4-3-2022 12:30 PM

End Date

4-3-2022 1:45 PM


The “Master Narrative” of American History, as presented by Ronald Takaki, comes as a result of whitewashing history and is perpetuated by settler colonial systems of education. Natives are disproportionally affected by this, to the point that they are almost entirely left out of the narrative. This omission leaves them highly susceptible to prejudice and discrimination. While education has previously been shown as a potentially effective interventional tool to mitigate prejudicial attitudes, very little work has been done to investigate the role of education in prejudicial attitudes towards Natives in particular. Original survey data was used to examine the role of an Introduction to Native American Studies course at the college level in prejudicial attitudes towards Natives. Using Multi Level Modeling (MLM), this study found that there was a statistically significant (p

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Mar 4th, 12:30 PM Mar 4th, 1:45 PM

Native Lives Matter Too: Reshaping the Master Narrative Through Education

MBSC Ballroom - Poster #908 - G

The “Master Narrative” of American History, as presented by Ronald Takaki, comes as a result of whitewashing history and is perpetuated by settler colonial systems of education. Natives are disproportionally affected by this, to the point that they are almost entirely left out of the narrative. This omission leaves them highly susceptible to prejudice and discrimination. While education has previously been shown as a potentially effective interventional tool to mitigate prejudicial attitudes, very little work has been done to investigate the role of education in prejudicial attitudes towards Natives in particular. Original survey data was used to examine the role of an Introduction to Native American Studies course at the college level in prejudicial attitudes towards Natives. Using Multi Level Modeling (MLM), this study found that there was a statistically significant (p