"Eastern Nebraska Community Action Partnership (ENCAP), Community Needs" by Jeanette Harder, Tova Hettinger et al.

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The mission of ENCAP is “to eliminate the causes of poverty by strengthening individuals, families, and communities through self-sufficiency initiatives in Douglas and Sarpy counties.”

As shown in the logic model below, ENCAP currently provides behavioral health, nutrition, family development, and transportation services. The logic model shows outputs and short-term outcomes as expected results of providing these services, as well as the resources needed to accomplish these outcomes. Serving people at 125% of the poverty line and below, ENCAP’s long-term outcomes are to assist individuals and families in achieving economic security, having improved mental health, increased access to food, having strong intergenerational connections, and improving their communities.

Also shown below is a brief description of current services, including the number of staff and volunteers, and the target population.

The logic model can be utilized as a guide for selecting measurement tools and engaging in data collection, analysis, and reporting. STEPs has provided preliminary guidance for moving in this direction, and stands ready to assist.

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