Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Educational Administration and Supervision
First Advisor
Frank H. Gorman
Second Advisor
William Jaynes
Third Advisor
Francis Hurst
The principal and staff of the Marangu Teacher Training Center, Tanganyikaf last Africa, have experienced a need for instruments of measurement suitable for studying the psychology of African school children. Several obstacles have effectively prevented the finding of, or the development of such measures. Among these obstacles are limitation of financial resources, limitation of time to devote to research, and limitation of personnel qualified to undertake such research as would be necessary. Another obstacle is more deeply rooted; it is the African himself. In Tanganyika alone, there are nearly 120 tribes, each with its own language and cultural heritage. A lingua franca, Swahili, is used throughout the country, but insight to fundamental psychological processes end phenomena cannot be accurately gotten through the medium of a third language. This is pointed up by the experienced difficulty of exactly communicating to the African meanings which are Western, and vice versa, African meanings to the European.
Recommended Citation
Gottneid, Allan J., "The suitability of the Goodenough draw a man test for use in the Chagga schools of Tanganyika" (1959). Student Work. 141.
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A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Education The University of Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree Master of Arts.