"Women Who Become Pregnant as Teenagers: Their Views on How To Decrease" by Anna M. Kellogg

Date of Award


Document Type



Health, Physical Education and Recreation

First Advisor

Dr. Richard Stacy

Second Advisor

Dr. Judith Heermann

Third Advisor

Dr. Chris Berg


The purpose of this study was to assess the views and recommendations of women who became pregnant as teenagers with respect to the most effective approaches and techniques for decreasing the incidence of teenage pregnancy. This information may be helpful in developing proactive pregnancy prevention strategies and programs. One hundred women, who became pregnant as teenagers, were the subjects of the study at the Nebraska Health System Centers (NHS), (NHS OB-GYN Clinic), NHS-University Hospital-OB-GYN, and The Family Medicine Clinic located in Omaha, Nebraska. The subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire that was composed of 36 questions, which was administered at the Nebraska Health System Centers. Results are reported as frequencies. Responses indicate that these women recommend more parental interaction, better use of media, education programs that emphasize birth control as well as abstinence, and present the realities of being a parent. Information obtained generated the responses to be used for recommendations for further practice.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of HPER (8030V) And the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Masters of Health and Physical Education Recreation University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright Anna M. Kellogg July, 1999

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