Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




In the history of man, the problem of deviation from the normal or social standard of behavior has been ever-present, necessitating recognition and consideration. Science has shown that intelligence levels vary on both sides of the postulated. Children’s behavior likewise varies; it has been classified by legal distinction into non-delinquent (normal) and delinquent, the latter so different from the standards set up by society that the child becomes an object of apprehension and potential danger to the well-being of the group as well as to his or her own existence in society. The classifications cited above are the products of public opinion, confirmed as the basis of distinction in the law courts.


A Thesis Presented In Partial FulfilIment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Psychology. Copyright Harriet M. Hicks, 1935

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