"Mastery, Motives and maturation" by Gordon D. Hansen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

John M. Newton

Second Advisor

William Jaynes

Third Advisor

D.T. Pedrini


Academic success and the variables that account for this success have long been a subject of conjecture for psychologists. The literature is reple.te with research investigating these relations.

Anderson (1953), Bent (1946), and Edds and McCall (1933) found intelligence (as measured by the Otis Self Administering Test of Mental Abilities) to correlate from .50 to .63 with grade point average (GPA). These studies are representative of the literature relating intelligence and grades.

Other investigators have examined the relation between the student's attitude and achievement. Jacob (1957) found a greater degree of tolerance for nonconforming ideas and behavior to correlate with both increasing age and achievement. Webster (1958, p. 116) stated that "increases in maturity are accompanied by more independence and hence by more freedom to criticize, more resentment of formalized authority, and better understanding of the kinds of adaptation which are necessary in complex situations..." Again the relation between attitudes and maturity (increasing age) is evident.
