"Seventy-Five Years of Public Education in Nemaha, County, Nebraska" by Kenneth Stiers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Educational Leadership


This study has been undertaken for the purposes of providing a body of data upon which an adequate program of rural education can be founded. It, therefore, dedicates itself to the task of providing the basis for a public-relations program designed to re-kindle in the minds of lay people a sincere and genuine interest in public education in Nemaha County, Nebraska. Certain minor problems presented themselves. First, the problem of determining trends which, when woven together into a composite whole, have made significant contributions to the general program of education in the county. Second, to trace these trends through the certified records which are on file in the different offices in order to build up the body of data needed. The study attempts to define the present status of the school in a manner which will be understandable and meaningful to the layman.


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate School of the University of Omaha. Copyright Kenneth Stiers, 1950
