"A Follow Up Study on Twenty Five Veterans Who Participated in the Vete" by Dobby R. McCallister

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Educational Leadership


As the decade of the seventies unfolded, significant innovations were being introduced in public schools across the country for the purposes of improving instruction and enriching the learning experiences of students. These experiments were done on selected bases, some through special funding and others as the result of the initiative of public school and university personnel. Teacher Corps, on the university level, and Title I programs in the public schools are examples. Other examples are reading programs such as HILINC and PRIMALINC and, also, special math programs. A program entitled Veterans in Education came at a most opportune time. Educators of urban areas were experiencing problems affecting large portions of our school-age population.


Presented to the Graduate Faculty University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright Dobby R. McCallister November, 1976
