Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Dr. Douglas L. Raterson

Second Advisor

Dr. David Shrader

Third Advisor

Dr. Bruce Baker


I feel that it is important to remain flexible in the casting of this show with regard to the desired sex of certain characters. Dr. Paterson will be casting Terra Nova, a predominately male show, from the same auditions as The Fantasticks and the rehearsal periods are somewhat concurrent. I feel that the roles of the two fathers are primarily that of parents and, therefore, can as easily be filled by women--mothers-­ and fulfill the same function in the script. Another option is to cast a father and a mother, although, I think that the romantic implications with the young couple could blur into a father/mother combination and makes it a weaker choice than if the parents are of the same sex, what­ ever that may be. Because of the demands of the other show and the strength that I perceive among the women in the department, I expect to cast two women in these roles.


A Final Directing Project Presented to the Department of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright 1984 Donna L. Cornelius.

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