"The Effects of Title IX on the Athletic Program at Ralston High School" by Kenneth Allen


Kenneth Allen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Educational Administration and Supervision


Since the opening of the new Ralston High School in 1968, the student enrollment has increased and new programs have been developed. The period of 1968 through 1972 was a period of rapid growth.and development in the athletic program. More students were being involved in athletics. In particular, the boys' athletic program was making big strides. With the involvement of more boys, junior varsity and sophomore teams were created, and additions were made to the coaching staff. However, the girls' athletic program was struggling for survival. The budgets for the respective programs were not proportionate. The boys' coaching staff out numbered the girls' staff by about two to one Also, the boys used the school facilities during prime time, while girls got what was left over. (Table I)


Field Project Proposal Presented to Graduate Faculty University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education. Copyright 1977 Kenneth Allen.

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