"Religious preference and worldly success: A comparison of Protestants " by James W. Crowley

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

John Ballweg

Second Advisor

Cora Martin

Third Advisor

George Helling


The problem, of theory construction toward a sociological understanding of the religious-economic relationship has relied to a great extent upon the work of a German social scientist, Max Weber.1 Historical observations made by Weber, which described a meaningful relationship between Protestantism and modern industrial capitalism,2 stimulated scholars from a number of fields to continue investigation of this relationship. The Weberian thesis advanced the position that religious and economic phenomena within a society were mutually interdependent. More specifically, Weber was concerned with the 'economic ethics of a religion'3 in relation to the economic institution. This relationship was considered as a factor which gave rise to modern capitalism. The present study attempted to explore and delineate the nature of the religious-economic relationship in contemporary society.

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