Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
At the date of the study, Edwin Arlington Robinson has passed his sixty-fourth birthday and has recently published his eighteenth book of poetry. For thirty years he has devoted his entire time to writing and has been acclaimed many times the foremost poet of America. He has the unusual distinction of having won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry three times (in 1922 for his Collected Poems, in 1925 for The Man Who Died Twice, and in 1927 for Tristram) and has been generously recognized and honored by contemporary poets on numerous occasions.
Recommended Citation
Reynolds, Gladys E., "Some influences on the poet Edwin Arlington Robinson" (1934). Student Work. 3270.
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A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Municipal University of Omaha In Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Arts Department of English. Copyright 1934 Gladys E. Reynolds.