"Protestantism in Brazil: A study of the activities and results of the " by Robert Martin Farra

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

A. Stanley Trickett


The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of Protestantism in Brazil, in an effort to determine the validity of some of the charges made against Protestant missions in that land by spokesmen for the Roman Catholic Church. The problem will be considered in two different ways. First, the author will seek to demonstrate the inadequacy of religious instruction and leadership provided the people of Brazil by the Roman Catholic Church in the several periods of that country’s history. Secondly, he will endeavor to trace the steps by which various individual Protestants and organized Protestant mission agencies, independently and concurrently, have sought to meet the spiritual needs of the Brazilian populace. A final brief section will attempt to examine and evaluate the attitude of the Government of Brazil and selected civic, social, and non-Protestant religious leaders of that country toward both the Protestant missionaries and Brazilian Protestants.

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