"A study of religious drama as a resource of the church, illustrated by" by Marien E. Griffith

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

L.O. Taylor

Second Advisor

W.H. Thompson

Third Advisor

T.E. Sullenger


The main purpose of this study is to determine the place of religious drama in the church. Data of information were secured from personal letters and interviews with pastors and lay-people in Omaha, Nebraska; Council Bluffs, Sioux City and Des Moines, Iowa; St. Louis, Missouri; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota; Idaho Falls, Iowa; and Monrovia, California. A questionnaire was used as a guiding basis for the interviews. The case method and survey method were used. An original Biblical drama is presented to illustrate what the possibilities are in this field of activity.

Drama is one of the most interesting of the present day leisure-time activities both from the standpoint of the spectator and the performer. It is conceded by all the authorities that society in general loves the drama and has from the beginning of time preferred this form of entertainment, worship, or leisure-time activity, depending on the viewpoint.

The church has many valuable resources, but few which have the power of compelling society and the individual to view real life situations in the manner which the drama exacts of an audience.

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