"Performance -based assessment: Teacher perceptions of implementation a" by Gary Martin Shudak

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Martha Bruckner

Second Advisor

Dr. Laura Schulte

Third Advisor

Dr. Neal Grandgenett

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Marilyn Grady


The purposes of this study were to determine: (a) whether and to what extent teachers' perceptions of a district-wide performance-based student assessment program (PBA) correlated with teacher demographics (sex, age, years in the district, years teaching, regular or special education, grade level/subject area taught, elementary or secondary assignment, year of undergraduate degree, and highest level of education attained); (b) whether and to what extent teachers' perceptions of the implementation of PBA correlated with their perceptions of PBA's effects on teaching behaviors, professional identity, relationships with others in the profession, and student achievement; (c) the extent to which teachers felt the implementation was successful and their recommendations for improvement of the implementation of PBA.


A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education. Copyright 2001 Gary Martin Shudak.

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