"Sustainability of a school reform program as measured by Title I stude" by Sharra R. Smith

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. John W. Hill

Second Advisor

Dr. Karen L. Hayes

Third Advisor

Dr. Neal F. Grandgenett

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Larry L. Dlugosh


The sustainability of a Different Ways of Knowing Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration program, and the influence of the reform model on student achievement, behavior, and attitudes following a three-year implementation phase, was evaluated. The fourth-grade pretest compared to sixth-grade posttest gains made by students (n = 50) as they completed the Title I eligible Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration programs indicated that the sustainability plans in place at the conclusion of the implementation phase continued to result in positive student outcomes. Levels of performance for the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration programs' students were also found to be congruent with the posttest achievement, behavior, and attitude data for students participating in similar neighborhood non-Comprehensive non-Title I eligible School Reform Demonstration programs (n = 50) during the sustainability phase. Reform model implementation sustainability supported student achievement, behavior, and attitudes consistent with continued school success. The study results support a cautious approach to district-wide reform model program scale-up.


A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the University of Nebraska in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education. Copyright 2006 Shelley A. Corry.

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