"The effects of parent involvement on the reading achievement and readi" by LeDonna M. York

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Karen L. Hayes

Second Advisor

Dr. John W. Hill

Third Advisor

Dr. David F. Conway

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Larry L. Dlugosh


This study evaluated the reading achievement scores and reading engagement outcomes of second grade students, in an urban magnet center, whose parents were randomly selected to participate in active parent involvement training (APIT; n = 13) sessions compared to information based parent involvement training (IBPIT; n = 6) sessions. Results of the pretest posttest two group comparative study examined (a) reading achievement scores as measured by (i) Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills 6th edition (DIBELS); and (ii) Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE); and (b) reported reading engagement frequencies as measured by student (i) school absences, (ii) off-task behaviors, (iii) off-task disruptive behaviors and (c) parent perceptions as measured by the Parent As A Teacher (PAAT) questionnaire. Students whose parents participated in APIT and IBPIT were found to show significant gain in DIBELS oral reading fluency scores, and parents who participated in APIT and IBPIT felt empowered to teach their children at the end of the study. Therefore, students whose parents participated in APIT and IBPIT would be expected to experience continued growth in reading achievement and reading engagement, when parents are intentionally invited to participate in the education of their child.


A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education. Copyright 2006 LeDonna M. York.

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