"The effectiveness of a school-wide differentiated home room academic e" by Tamara J. Williams

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. John W. Hill

Second Advisor

Dr. Kay A. Keiser

Third Advisor

Dr. Neal F. Grandgenett

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Larry L. Dlugosh


The purpose of the study was to measure the effectiveness of a school-wide differentiated home room academic extension re-teaching initiative on the academic achievement and criterion-referenced assessment proficiency categories of 8th-grade students with varying levels of measured cognitive skills. Achievement measures were reading and math criterion-referenced assessment scores, core subject grades, and the reading and math Terra Nova Normal Curve Equivalent Norm Referenced Achievement Test subtest scores. At the conclusion of the research year 20 students moved into the highest measured criterion referenced reading test proficiency group (beyond proficient) and 33 students moved into the highest measured criterion referenced math test proficiency group (beyond proficient). Of equal importance for this study is that three students moved out of the lowest measured criterion referenced reading and math group (below proficient). Overall, after implementation of the school-wide differentiated home room academic extension re-teaching initiative, students gained the minimum level of proficiency needed for AYP in addition to growth in the highest proficiency category. Student grades and achievement test scores are discussed for students with Test of Cognitive Skills scores in deciles 1 through 3 (group 1, n = 8), decile 4 (group 2, n = 7), decile 5 (group 3, n = 15), decile 6 (group 4, n = 11), decile 7 (group 5, n = 19), decile 8 (group 6, n = 29), decile 9 (group 7, n = 35), and decile 10 (group 8, n = 62).


A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education. Copyright 2009 Tamara J. Williams.

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