"Implementing a one-to-one iPad program in a secondary school" by Donald P. Johnson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Kay A. Keiser

Second Advisor

Dr. Neal W. Topp

Third Advisor

Dr. Karen L. Hayes


The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the necessary data and use it to determine the degree of success of the implementation process used to initiate a 1:1 iPad program in a senior high school. Use of this data enabled the district to more effectively infuse the use of the iPad into the delivery of instruction designed to improve student achievement. This study utilized a developmental evaluation model to assess the implementation of the processes used as the 1:1 iPad initiative was designed and implemented. Developmental evaluation is a suitable evaluation model as it supports the process of innovation in ways that enable exploration and development. This model is also useful in innovative settings where goals are emerging and changing rather than predetermined and fixed, where time periods are fluid and forward-looking rather than artificially imposed by external deadlines, and where the purpose is learning, innovation, and change. Parents, students, teachers, and visiting school personnel were surveyed and interviewed to determine their perceptions related to the implementation process. Findings indicate that the perceptions of all the stakeholders were very positive regarding the success of the implementation of the 1:1 iPad program. Overall, each of the stakeholders believed that the program is good for student learning. Data analyses indicate that thorough and timely staff development was a key to getting the teachers to utilize the technology in their classrooms. Student engagement and parental input were instrumental in the development and implementation of the 1:1 iPad program.


A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate college of the University of Nebraska in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education. Copyright 2013 Donald P. Johnson.

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