Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Computer Science
First Advisor
Dr. Heshem El-Rewini
We consider the problem of examining the performance requirement for mobility support on the Internet as specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mobile-IP protocol. In this thesis, we have designed, implemented, and utilized a discreteevent graphical simulation tool that provides a fundamental collection of building blocks and runnables, as well as a general environment for timeoriented simulations of communication networks that employ IPv4 or Mobile IP as the network layer protocol. The major goal of this graphical tool is to help communications network researchers answer "what if'' questions, which may also help them improve any potential shortcomings of the Mobile-IP protocol. Using this tool, we have conducted a number of experiments to study several interactions amongst the entities that comprise the Mobile-IP protocol. In particular, we studied the mo bile hosts-home agent interaction, the fixed host-home agent interaction, and the foreign agent-mobile hosts interaction.
Recommended Citation
Serra, Efren, "MIPPS: A Mobile IP Protocol Simulator." (1999). Student Work. 3581.
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A Thesis Presented to the Department of Computer Science and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright 1999 Efren Serra