"The Anglo-French naval conversations of 1912: Prelude and aftermath" by John H. Harrington Jr.

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




William II, upon ascending the throne of the German Empire, became the leader of the most powerful military nation on earth. With Bismarck as his Chancellor--indeed, the creator of that Empire--William stood at the pinnacle of power in Europe protected by the intricate web of treaties and alliances that made Berlin the center of Europe. Young and ambitious, he decided that he wanted to rule his nation, and, by interpolation, Europe. William could not do this while wasconfronted by the prestige of Bismarck. In 1890, the differences that had sprung up between the Kaiser and the Cancellor came to a head; Bismarck went into retirement. William lost no time in decimating the protactive treaties of Bismarck. One by one they fell. The Russian Reinsurance Treaty was followed closely by the rse of that Bismarckian nightmare, the Franco-Russian Alliance. Thus, France escaped isolation within which she had writhed for some thirty years...


A Thesis Presented to the Department of History and the Faculty of the College of Graduate Studies University of Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts. Copyright 1967 John H. Harrington, Jr.

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