Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
This study is a dialogue between the world of history and that of the “editorial cartoon.” It is easy to see value in such a study. It is not easy to see the best method of gleaning it. The method finally utilized relies initially on the editors of national publications of more than half a century ago who selected certain cartoons on the basis of their own editorial needs. This still left thousands of cartoons from which to choose. It had seemed at one time that the cartoons to be used in this study should be drawn from representative cities in the United States. The theory did not work because of two major reasons: first, too many newspapers were running too many editorial cartoons (The three relatively small Omaha, Nebraska, dailies, for instance, were publishing more than one thousand cartoons a year fifty years ago.); second, many editorial cartoons being published were not drawn in local news rooms at all- -they were syndicated. On the other hand, a particular local cartoon had a rather good chance of being picked up and distributed nationally, if it had some kind of significance to the national scene. This happened frequently, as this study will show.
Recommended Citation
Zajicek, Leonard J., "American partiality in World War One during 1914-1917 as reflected through a critical study of editorial cartoons appearing in selected American, British and German publications" (1968). Student Work. 363.
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A Thesis Presented to the Department of History and the Graduate College of the University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. Copyright 1968 Leonard J. Zajicek