"Adjustment of displaced persons …" by Vojislav Dosenovich

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Dr. George L. Wilber

Second Advisor

Dr. Carl H. Lemon


This study concerns Displaced Persons. At the end of World War II thousands of Europeans had been displaced from their homes and countries, either as prisoners of war, slave laborers, or refugees. Many preferred to remain in exile rather than return to their native lands where political conditions had undergone radical changes. The allied forces in Germany and Italy provided shelter, food, and clothing for these people, with the United States pioneering in this activity. The United Nations Rehabilitation Act was directed to care for displaced persons before the International Refugee Organization was created in 1947.


A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences of The University of Omaha in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. Copyright Vojislav Dosenovich 1953.

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