"The Effect of a Required Character Education and Class-Wide Peer Tutor" by Anthony P. Dancer

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

John W. Hill

Second Advisor

Kay A. Keiser

Third Advisor

Neal F. Grandgenett


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of a required school year long Character Education and Class-Wide Peer Tutoring program (CE+CWPT) for students who scored at or below proficiency in one, two, or three of their reading fluency, reading comprehension, or writing assessments at the beginning of their 5th-grade school year. The study analyzed performance on criterion referenced tests, performance on norm-referenced tests, behavioral referrals, and attendance to determine what relationship, if any, exists between levels of achievement amongst students participating in a required CE+CWPT program. Following a year of program participation, 5th-grade students with one or two areas of measured non-proficiency ( n = 14) demonstrated a significant pretest-posttest improvement on their reading fluency scores but did not significantly improve their reading comprehension and writing scores. 5th-grade students with three areas of measured non-proficiency ( n = 8) demonstrated a significant pretest-posttest improvement on reading fluency scores and writing scores but did not significantly improve their reading comprehension scores. On posttest-posttest comparisons, there were no significant differences between the groups on reading fluency, reading comprehension, and writing scores. Behavioral comparisons for both groups indicated that the percentage of zero office referrals improved from pretest to posttest with a corresponding decrease for one or more office referrals. Posttest-posttest behavioral comparisons support improvement primarily in the area of office referral frequencies and percents for both groups. The observed level of absence frequencies was consistent with reported elementary school behavioral issues. In light of the study results, program scale-up of the required CE+CWPT program should be considered.


Department formerly called Educational Administration and Supervision.

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College of the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education In Educational Administration.

Copyright 2008 by Anthony P. Dancer.
