"The need for reform: A study of the British Army, 1815-1854" by Carter Morey

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The Battle of Waterloo brought to an end the Napoleonic Wars and to its senith the British army; forty years later the Crimean War was to bring it to its nadir. One is led to ask what happened? Traditional English antimilitarism, which had followed all great wars, provoked a hurried demobilization. British distrust of the military, evident since the days of Cromwell's major generals, reacted immediately as the organization of a united services military club, singularly proposed in 1816 for social exchange and military intercourse, was prevented, because "Such as vast entension of military association... wears an unconstitutional aspect..." For over a century, the regular passage of the Mutiny Bill, and the civilian domination of the defense offices had consititutionally checked any undue military influence through the control of the purse and administration of the army. Despite the extensive augmentation of the military forces during the Napoleonic struggle, the army had never attempted to assume administrative control of the government nore political control of the War Office. Nevertheless, the British wanted no more war, and they desired a minimal military establishment. They got both...


A Thesis Presented to the Department of History and the Faculty of The Graduate College University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts. Copyright 1968 Carter Morey

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