"The Impact of Prolonged Participation in a Pro-Social Cognitive Behavi" by Ted H. Esser


Ted H. Esser

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Jeanne L. Surface

Second Advisor

Neal F. Grandgenett

Third Advisor

Jody C. Isernhagen


Overall, pretest-posttest results indicated statistically significant pretest beginning program compared to posttest ending program percentage of behavioral improvement for on task, following directions, and positive interactions outcomes improvement for individual students who completed the elementary grades pro-social cognitive behavioral skills program within one school year or less ( n = 16), within one to two school years (n = 14), and within one school year or less ( n = 15). These results indicate program intervention effectiveness for these students. The posttest ending outcomes compared to posttest ending for on task, following directions, and positive interactions outcomes for individual students with identified disabilities requiring an individual behavior intervention plan who completed an elementary grades pro-social cognitive behavioral skills program within one school year or less, within one to two school years, and within more than two school years where the overall main effect of posttest ending on task outcomes for individual students with identified disabilities was not statistically significant. Statistical equipoise at posttest indicates program effectiveness over time for all three groups of students where posttest levels for on task, following directions, and positive interactions were consistent with return to less restrictive classroom placements. The average time out frequency change pretest beginning program nine weeks compared to posttest ending program nine weeks for individual students with identified disabilities requiring an individual behavior intervention plan who completed an elementary grades pro-social cognitive behavioral skills program within one school year or less, within one to two school years, within more than two school years and were returned to less restrictive classroom placements was not statistically different. Statistical equipoise at posttest indicates program effectiveness over time for all three groups of students where posttest levels of behavior resulting in time out consequences were consistent with return to less restrictive classroom placements.


Department formerly called Educational Administration and Supervision.

A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Education Major: Educational Administration.
