"Effects of the family cluster experience on family member's perception" by Terry Coleman

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study grew out of a need to examine the possibilities of family enrichment programs as opposed to remedial programs. A review of the literature revealed that no previous outcome research has been published regarding the Family Cluster. The purpose of the study was to use the Family Cluster model with families perceiving weaknesses, as identified by the Family Strengths Inventory, to determine if those weaknesses may be significantly improved. The experimental design used was the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Initially ten intact families were identified to take part in the study, five randomly assigned to experimental group and five to the control group. Both groups had one family discontinue leaving an N of four in each group. The families were selected from a local church in the Omaha area. The pretest was administered in two parts. First the Family Strengths Inventory-Construction Form was administered and the "results” were used to design the Family Strengths Inventory which was the second portion of the pretest. This pretest was used to determine the curriculum for the Cluster experience which was conducted in eight, seventy minute sessions. After the completion of the eight sessions the same instrument was administered as the post test. Gain scores were computed and subjected to a t-test of means using the .05 level of confidence. This study was intended to provide some baseline data concerning the processes and outcomes of using the Family Cluster program with families having perceived weaknesses. The findings did not support acceptance of the hypothesis: The Family Cluster experience will significantly change a family's perception of itself, in terms of improved family functioning, as measured by the Family Strengths Inventory. Recommendations for future studies contain seven recommendations to be considered with such research. While no significant differences were found, the benefits of the Cluster are not to be determined ineffective.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Counseling and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright 1992, Terry Coleman
