"Physiological profile of Olympic style Tae Kwon Do match" by Georgios C. Korellis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Dr. Kris Berg


Olympic style Tae Kwon Do training may achieve accepted training intensity threshold for effective aerobic capacity training, energy expenditure thresholds and elevation in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Little work regarding the acute metabolic demands during Olympic style Tae Kwon Do competition has been done before. The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological demands of a match in Olympic style Tae Kwon Do. Physiological assessment included measurement of oxygen uptake (V 02), heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration (BL), rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and body temperature (BT). A total of 7 subjects between the ages of 19 and 27 years served as subjects for this study. All performed a 1.5 mile run test for establishing an estimated baseline measurement for V 0 2 max. On subsequent visits, subjects engaged in a three minute three round Olympic style Tae Kwon Do match in which they were asked to perform as competitively as possible. Across the three rounds (three minutes per round) of the Tae Kwon Do match, no significant difference existed for V 0 2, HR, LA and BT or number of kicks performed. However, differences were seen between the first and third round of the match when examining their RPE. After the end of the third round RPE scores were significantly greater than the scores reported after the end of the first round (18.4+1.81 vs 14.4 + 2.29). Mean V 0 2 was 38.8 + 3.46 ml/kg/min corresponding to 85.9 % of their estimated V 0 2 max where as mean HR was 185.9 + 7.40 bpm corresponding to 94.7 % of their age estimated HR max. The average BL of the match was 14.5 + 4.17 mmol/L whereas the average BT was 99.0 + 0.96 degrees Fahrenheit. In conclusion, Olympic style Tae Kwon Do competition taxed both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. The mean V 02 value for the match was 38.8 + 3.46 ml/kg/min which corresponded to 85.9 % of V 02 max. Mean BL of 14.46 + 4.17 was significantly correlated with mean RPE (r = 0.71) indicating an extensive involvement of anaerobic glycolysis suggesting that both aerobic and anaerobic training is needed for this sport.


A Thesis Presented to the School of HPER and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science University of Nebraska at Omaha. Copyright 2005, Georgios C. Korellis

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