"A Curriculum Guide for Senior High School Physical Education in the Co" by Conrad W. Rasmussen

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It is the intention of this physical education curriculum guide to provide a meaningful program for the senior high students of the Council Bluffs Community High Schools. Each teacher should have the initiative and imagination to develop individual lesson plans and teaching methods. However, it has become obvious that a need for an established course outline is necessary to provide a maximum program in Physical Education for the Council Bluffs High School student. We want to eliminate the possibility that our physical education program could-be controlled by individual strengths or weaknesses. It is imperative that we develop a program that will carry over from one teacher to another without disruption or loss to any phase of the program. Our purpose is to better utilize and increase the effectiveness of each teacher and to gain maximum utilization of all facilities. This guide has been developed essentially to provide a foundation for our high school Physical Education program. It is not intended that it should serve as a steadfast plan dictated daily to the instructor On the contrary, it is merely intended to be a skeletal outline of activities that should be uniform at both Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson High Schools. The specific details and day to day planning rest entirely with the individual teacher in accordance with over-all school policy.


A Field Project Presented to the Department to the Department of Education and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education. Copyright 1971, Conrad W. Rasmussen

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