Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
This paper describes insights related to the potential use of on-line training modules with elementary education pre-service teachers for enhancing their experience and background in mathematical modeling. These insights resulted from a field test of a new online learning prototype developed within a National Science Foundation Proof-of-Concept project. The insights listed in the paper are further supported by two URL addresses that link to detailed notes, background documents, and various demonstration pieces.
Recommended Citation
Grandgenett, Neal; Zygielbaum, Arthur I.; Ostler, Elliott; Hamersky, Steve; and Pawloski, Bob, "Helping Elementary Education Majors Brush Up on Mathematical Modeling: Insights from a Field Test of a New Online Learning Prototype" (2001). Teacher Education Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 17.
Grandgenett, N. F., Zygielbaum, A., Hamersky, S. & Ostler, E. (2001 March). Helping elementary education majors brush up on mathematical modeling: Insights from a field test of a new online learning prototype. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Orlando, Florida. © 2001 by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Used by permission.
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