"What Can STEM Educators Learn from a Teacher Induction Program? A Stud" by Sheryl McGlamery and Saundra Shillingstad

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Research completed to date confirms that beginning science and mathematics teachers face many challenges, and must master numerous areas of teaching skill in order to demonstrate competence in teaching. Most will face the initial year of practice with little or no access to an induction program targeting their content areas (Luft, 2009). Research further suggests that science and math teachers left without critically needed guidance, a comprehensive induction program could provide, often develop practices that do not allow their students to participate in inquiry activities (e.g. labs, simulations, problem solving, research projects ( Luft, Roehrig, & Patterson, 2003). Instead the teachers persist with teacher centered teaching strategies (e.g. lecture, presentation, recitations) that may not be effective or engage their learners in inquiry activities.


Presented at the 2013 National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 6-9, 2013.
