"Finding their Voice: Support Mechanisms to Engage and Empower Future M" by Kelly Gomez Johnson, Paula M. Jakopovic et al.

Author ORCID Identifier

Jakopovic - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9554-9201

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The NebraskaMATH Omaha Noyce Partnership Scholarship awards scholarships funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to undergraduate students interested in mathematics education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Scholars, who are dual mathematics and secondary education majors, are engaged and supported by Noyce faculty to not only excel in their college coursework and career preparation, but also to serve the university and community through teaching assistantships and STEM community outreach. The main goal of this program is to strengthen and expand the pipeline for preparing high-quality teachers of mathematics to better meet the responsibilities and demands of local school districts, particularly those serving students with high-need. Cross-campus collaborations between the departments of teacher education and mathematics co-constructed the Noyce infrastructure to emphasize and share the development of future, high-quality secondary mathematics teachers (Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership, 2014). This paper describes our program’s unique design and implementation features aimed to empower, engage, and extend the talents of our undergraduate students. We share lessons learned and recommendations from faculty and participants regarding decisions and facets of the program considered to be most influential in STEM teacher and leadership development.


Articles published in the Proceedings are copyrighted by the author. Permission to reproduce an article or portions from an article must be obtained from the author.

This presented at the Eighth Annual Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership Conference on June 23-25, 2019 in St. Louis, MO and was published in their proceedings.
