"Influential Factors that Impact Individual Disaster Donations" by Alyssa Spartz

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Public Administration

First Advisor

Dr. Thomas Jamieson


Various factors influence and impact and individual’s willingness to donate to certain disaster relief efforts. Current research, however, fails to compare and analyze these various factors in a single study to determine which factor is the most influential. This study will examine the impact disaster type, impacted region, and social media have on influencing an individual’s willingness to donate to certain disaster relief efforts. Participants will take a survey that requires them to read through various mock disaster scenarios and answer questions about how willing they are to donate to each disaster. The study has not been fielded; however, it is expected the results will conclude impacted region will have the greatest influence on the participant’s willingness to donate. The findings of this study can be used to further understand disaster donations and aid disaster relief organizations in developing strategies to maximize the amount of funding they can receive.

Available for download on Thursday, September 09, 3019
