"A Case Study Comparing Fingerspelling Production Between Two Interpret" by Morgan Miller

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Special Education and Communication Disorders

First Advisor

Dr. Julie Delkamiller


Approximately 14% of Deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) students in K-12 educational settings use a sign language interpreter for access to the general education curriculum and the classroom environment . The Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) is commonly used to evaluate the skills of an interpreter as a prerequisite of being hired. This case study analyzes and evaluates the fingerspelling (FS) production of two American Sign Language interpreters while interpreting a lesson. The two interpreters had different EIPA scores: one had recently attained a 3.0 and the other held a 4.0 rating. The data shows marked differences in fingerspelling production in the areas of spelling accuracy, hand and arm posture, and individual letter articulation.
