"A Comprehensive Analysis of the Importance and Implementation of Teleh" by McKensi Uecker and JoDe Kinnaman

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

First Advisor

Steve Langan


Telehealth is a rapidly expanding mode of health care delivery, improving the efficiency of health care and related support services across the United States. Through telehealth, services are made more accessible, resulting in improved care for those in rural and under severed communities. Improving mental health care in the United States is not a simple fix, and it will require the continued normalization of behavioral health, so that our society will be able to move past the stigma, allowing people to feel comfortable seeking care. The goal of this paper is to address the importance of having access to behavioral and mental health intervention via telebehavioral health services in rural areas, with a focus on rural K-12 schools. It will include a discussion on the disparities of health services in rural communities, the benefits of telehealth, and the steps for implementation of telehealth services using the most recent and relevant data.
