"Production Creek: A Consultive Analysis of a Local Promotional Product" by Bre Johnson

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Marketing and Management

First Advisor

Dr. Erin Miles


This report is a consultive analysis of a local promotional products company, Production Creek. Analyses were conducted which explored the different strengths and weaknesses of the business as well as the different opportunities and threats that currently are present for Production Creek. This information uncovered that Production Creek was underutilizing its brick and mortar location in Lincoln in two ways: square footage and focus of sales. The second identification of a strategic problem includes the lack of technological advancement within the companies order processing procedure. The recommendations include Production Creek slowly moving more production to Lincoln as well as expansion of business relations. Alongside this process, encouraging the transfer of order processing to a software platform which would keep all order information in one place for easy access and lack of room for error. Overall, this thesis acts as a full analysis of Production Creek in its current competitive industry and the recommendations to further advance its position with its unique product and service offerings.

Available for download on Saturday, September 02, 3020
