"The Effect of Mentoring for Undergraduate Mentors: A Systematic Review" by Andrew Leavitt

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Christine E. Cutucache


Multiple meta-analyses and systematic reviews have been conducted to evaluate methodological rigor in research on the effect that mentoring has on the mentee. However, a dearth of information exists regarding the effect of mentoring on the mentor. As such, I conducted a systematic review of the literature focused on such an effect (if any) within the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), aiming to bolster the literature surrounding this affect. In the case of this work, my focus is on undergraduate or post-secondary students as mentors for near-peers and/or youth. This review functions to identify commonalities of affective outcomes and benefits or challenges for undergraduate mentors, and further to promote methodological rigor on the subject by providing a more consistent description of the metrics utilized across studies. Herein articles from 2013-2021 are analyzed to determine characteristics of UG mentor programs, the functionality of mentors within the programs, and the methodological rigor of research applied. Overall, the following best practice suggestions are made for future research on the effect of mentoring on mentors; the employment of longitudinal and exploratory mixed methods designs utilizing sequential collection of qualitative then quantitative measurements, and experimental descriptions nested within a theoretical framework.


To be submitted for publication by May 5th, 2021.
