"Building Foundations of Opportunity: A Strategic Analysis of The Steph" by Emily Coleman

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Finance, Banking, and Real Estate

First Advisor

Dr. Leif Lundmark


This report delves into the permanent supportive housing program provided by the Stephen Center, a local Omaha nonprofit that provides services to low-income and homeless individuals. While the Stephen Center successfully provides case management and supportive housing for hundreds of clients each year, the rate at which positive housing destinations are achieved is lower than the national average. With a longer than average length of stay in their permanent supportive housing apartments, the Stephen Center is unable to maximize their services to accommodate the needs of additional applicants. After researching industry trends and conducting an internal analysis, I have provided a recommendation, along with implementation plans, to strengthen Stephen Center’s position among its competitors and improve upon their clients’ timely transition to independent housing.
