"Genetic Variation of Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) " by Michael Palandri and Jeremy White

Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Jeremy White


The objective of this experiment was to determine genetic variation between Nebraska populations of Northern Long-eared Bats (Myotis septentrionalis) and to relate this variation to White-Nose Syndrome resistance. We hypothesized that these populations would show variation due to spatial separation and a lack of intermittent hibernacula. Wing tissue samples were collected from different areas in Nebraska including Ponca State Park, Fontenelle Forest, Elm Creek, and Larrabee Creek. A total of 31 specimens were caught between these locations. Mitochondrial DNA was extracted, amplified, and run on a gel using 6 samples from Ponca State Park. The gel from the first amplification (55 ºC annealing temperature) did not produce any bands. After this result, a new annealing temperature of 48 ºC was used. The gel from the second amplification produced bands of DNA but not those required for sequencing (~400 base pairs). The results of the first gel suggest the PCR was unsuccessful. With the alternate annealing temperature, the PCR was successful but produced undesired DNA fragments. This suggests that the primer used was not functioning correctly. We were unable to sequence DNA because of the lack of desired mitochondrial DNA fragments. As a result, genetic variation could not be determined.
