Month/Year of Graduation


First Advisor

Christopher Decker


From the construction of innovative academic buildings to the addition of new athletic teams, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) has experienced abundant changes over the past 25 years. Of particular interest, fluctuations in enrollment as well as changes in the average profile of UNO have occurred. What relationships, if any, exist between these shifts and the notable events in UNO’s past? An answer to this question would be significant for UNO and affect its future decisions. In general, understanding what has affected UNO’s enrollment would be important for all mid-size, metropolitan universities as they make decisions to maximize enrollment. This project investigates how UNO has changed over time and uses econometrics to analyze enrollment data. An initial analysis of the data included plotting the data to recognize trends. Furthermore, in order to uncover relationships amongst the variables, models were constructed using stepwise regression techniques. By taking this approach, it is apparent that enrollment has a connection to the population of Omaha. Moreover, the creation of on-campus housing and hockey have had major impacts on the average age of the undergraduate population. It does not appear that an endeavor similar to this has focused on UNO and its enrollment data. Overall, this project describes any relationships that may exist between enrollment at UNO and a variety of factors at UNO or in the Omaha MSA.
