Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Saundra L. Shillingstad


This capstone project reports and analyzes the effects of utilizing differentiated instructional and assessment strategies in a third-grade classroom. The capstone will discuss the benefits and results of implementing two instructional strategies and two assessment methods during the instruction of a math unit in fraction concepts. The math unit was delivered over a period of 10 instructional days and included pre-assessment and post-assessments. Based on the data collected, student understanding and performance increased after integrating supports through differentiated instructional strategies. In this capstone, I will discuss the methods utilized to deliver instruction and assess student learning. Conclusions of the capstone found that the use of strategies such as nonlinguistic representations, cooperative learning structures, exit tickets, and self-assessments were successful in the growth of student performance and accuracy.

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